Hunting is a way of life in the United States, and we are here to help you be as successful on the hunt as possible.
Many people enjoy the sport of hunting deer each year. Depending on the state in which a person lives, there are different rules, regulations. and species available. Here is a closer look at the South Dakota deer hunting season.
Species Of Deer To Hunt
The two kinds of deer that are most prominent in North Dakota are the mule deer and whitetail deer. Mule deer have large ears, black/brown fur, and antlers with forks. Whitetail deer are the most popular species and have light brown fur and antlers with even branches. The most common areas to find whitetail deer is near river valleys and wood hills. Mule deer can often be found in the open prairie.
Methods To Hunt Deer In South Dakota
There are various methods that can be used in this state to hunt deer. North Dakota game laws allow hunters to use archery equipment, rifles, or muzzleloaders. Successful archery methods may include the spot and stalk of mule deer and the stand hunting of whitetail deer. Successful methods of gun hunting include the use of decoys along with calling and sitting along the roads.
Permits And Seasons
Both residents and nonresidents of South Dakota who wish to hunt deer in the state are required to obtain a valid hunting license. It is a lottery draw for residents and the cost is approximately $285. This license must be carried along through all hunting excursions.
Archery season begins in September and runs through November. This affords the chance to bag a buck with velvet antlers. A hunter can begin to use guns in November.
Other Laws And Regulations
Archery and firearm shooting hours for deer in South Dakota are one half hour prior to sunrise and one half hour after sunset. Anyone using a firearm must wear at least one piece of visible clothing that is fluorescent orange in color to provide adequate safety. After catching a deer or receiving a hunter report form, it must be completed and returned.
Where You Can Hunt
South Dakota has a large number of counties that allow deer hunting. Among the most popular are the counties of Gregory, Lyman, and Tripp. The tribal land of the Rosebud Sioux Indian tribe also is known for deer hunting as well.
South Dakota offers numerous opportunities for deer hunting. To get more information concerning the South Dakota deer hunting season policies, simply visit and view the latest information.